This laboratory invites students with research interests, academic aspirations, and a strong foundation in related majors to apply for doctoral or master's degrees. Through systematic scientific research training and professional learning, our research group strives to create good academic conditions and opportunities for graduates to further their studies abroad. Welcome experts, scholars, and students to visit and exchange ideas in the laboratory.
Enrollment major:
Mechanical Engineering (including Vehicle Engineering, Automotive Electronics Engineering, and Automotive Application Engineering)
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Vehicle Engineering (Professional), Power Engineering (Professional)
Address: 205 Luoshi Road, Wuhan City, Hubei Province - School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Postal Code: 430070
Contact information:
Yu. wang (at) whut. Ammonia hydrogen new energy, carbon neutral fuel
Liuhaoma (at) while. Laser Sensing and Optical Diagnosis Direction
Shenzuguo (at) whut. Energy conversion, fluid heat and mass transfer